Post by Squirtle on Feb 23, 2022 4:04:52 GMT 10
Welcome to the middle of the week! In which Squirlte throws himself into last-minute messiness, and then probably needs to star a new confesisonal thread about squirting out the dramafires.
Prettymuch isthis. Smashgame tone isbe feeldifferent again bynow somerit newthread! Yeswould havebeen nice hadhad easyweek nodramas noyelling nobridgeburning (is Malazan shoutout fornobody toever get but ifanydoes pleasedo yellback) nodoubts noparanoia. But squirtlespringoptimism was for lastthread! Evenwas ending lastthread with 'cannotcomplain' sentiment. Squirtlescrethat. Here we YELL!
Squirtlewhooooooops isbe muchtomuch toocute toyell. Butsee! Squirtlesenseofhumour still intact! So Squirtle squirtlswear isnot(yet) nearasbad as blueteamhellweek checkedout wantendnow... butis notbe finepeachy either.
Wariomanguy justhasto go win ringuel. Justhasto comeback yellowteam. Justhasto keepconspiring withyellowteam even fromring even frombackwithin yellowteamcamp. Ismean. Squirtle really not enjoy warioman tone which seembe stuck on SUCKITSQUIRTLE overandoverandover. Havebeentold others findit grating aswell but notsure ifbelieve it - or ifbelieve itmeans wouldbe makeothers take Squirtleside.
Part of squirtleFRUSTRATION isthat wasnot only Squirtle beraying warioman. Whynot captain getheat? Whynot marthman? Much of what Squirtle forced say/do later is squirtleselfadmitted selfrigheousbullshit sure but thispart of it isbe true: Squirtle couldnot NOT jab bittbit at Warioman about squirtleswaplistlie. And now... THIS. Wariomanguy deserve yell.
Come votetime. Isbe not long after announcement wariomanARGH comeback yellowteam. Ifknow isbedoomed on eitherside, then waspicking yellowteam outof both hope and spite and squirtle YELL atfor both!
Squirlte isbe tinybitthankful wasnot a votefor Squirtle. Carrying some of that teenytinybit into hope nextround for still notbe numbers votefor Squirtle. But doesseem Wario/Kazuya/Kingcruel didget quick onsamepage: voteplant. Or atleast notwilling switch lastminute when Squirtle propose: votewario. (Note squirtle noactually makethis proposal to warioman. Hate that atthispoint soomuchvitriol mustneedclarify.)
Whywhywhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyy cannot Squirtle just ENJOY voteout teethplant! Was squirtleplan! Was squirtledesire! But incircumstnces couldn't both haveit and enjoyit and for that we YELL at plant some. Just small some. But still some.
Squirtle showup catchup YELL at warioman return. Andbethink: is easy. Vote Wario. Had numbers last time, is marvelousmiracle canrepeat and gain onemore round before need makemess, lesslikely needbe cullkazuya cullyoshi, dealwith anoyofthat so yay. (Spoiler noyay inend isall YELL.)
Meanwhile Marth not comeonline. Notsureyet howmuch intetntional. Doeseem warioman was expecting tievote so mayhave gotcontact gotpromise from Marthman before Squirtle showup to keepvote on teethplant... or may have just notbothered showup readmessages THINK and left prevote on Teethplant from before was warioreturn wariobesoption blueteamchatCLEARLYmakeingCLEAR shouldmust voting wario.
Either marthman nolonger willing blueteam puppet. Or nolonger reliable blueteam puppet. Unsquirtain which isbe worse. And still couldbe either at timeofYELLing as still notwant comestayonline answermessages let Squirtle YELL. Yes, isdobe earn marthman squirtYELL.
So fivevotes on wario becoming fourvotes. Not quite so marvellous. Squirtleselfonemight squirtlesay, Marth-vel-less.
Still isbehope of tie! Which Squirtle notwant desperatelynotwant but hey isknow can facedown. Is goodchance marth late showup intime switchvote, or kingcruel kazuya getting coldfeet notwant dying for wariomanARGH.
But Yoshi also offline for hours longer then duelresult tovoting period. Not even prevote. Not even asking eggshareholder Squirtle howcanbe service thisdayround. And thisbe smasher Squirtle squirtlescrambled with hopeof saving as CLEAR always reliable vote. Earn nother squirtYELL!
Also aftervote onlydid tellsquirtleself tellcaptainblue that wasdid selfvote. Like was nobigdeal. Like was notsomething goodfor allyellowteam knowing. Like isbe Squirtle foreshadowing much...
In waiting for revealtime Squirlte know is goodchance notbe Wariovote again. Hoping oneof marthman dinosaur maybe did leave decent prevote, maybe get tie. But knew notsuuuuuuuper likely. Worry of splittingvotes ifhad Wario wanted squirtle out. But also preparing defensiveline of insisting Squirtle knew pleas for please votewario fell deafears, wanted vote Wario anyway onprinciple expecting wouldbe losevote and happy with loseplant outcome (which Squirtle truly was, until all messymess).
Also Wario notjustspared but spared with immunitysandbag because ofcourse ARGH. Did actively choose notmakebid as was expecting highigh bids from bothof wario teethplant and possible also dino andor kazuya. And likely wouldnot havebeenbid highenough catchwario inanycase. Still sucks. Still worth a goodhard AAAAARRRGGGGHHH!
Then Wario mustneed gloat. Whatever, candeal. But also Wario immediately assume was Squirtle voting Yoshi! Squirtle flipped! Squirtle afraid of tie! Squirtle worstevil in smashgame! Telling yellowteamfriends! Telling ringduelfriends! Telling Yoshi! Who not contradict Wario but atleast betell Squirtle whatsaying Wario. Halfoff YEll?
Meanwhile Wario isbe berating Squirtle still asking whatwas wariomanlies? whatwas wariomanlies? whywas notcomeask warioman before jumpconclusions votewarioman? whatwas warioman lies? Even while jumpingconclusions SPREADING jumpedconclusions all squirtleslander YEEEELLLLLLLLLLIINNNNNNNG!
And then Squirtle spend much of nextfewhours in damagecontrolmode.
Was another annoying thing.
Damagecontrol on two fronts. One - everyone else. Quickquick messageall maintaining didvote Warioman as had planned, not knowing/expecting ifwould work but happy if overrules solong as Squirtle stillget to YELL protestvote at Wario. Choose notsay straightup was dinoidiot selfvote as sounds absurd and washoping letthem askdino findout for ownselves, is more effective then squirtlesimple yellback NONOTME! Wanted them to prove squirtleselfinnocence so feltmore impact of undoing antisquirtleprejudices when truth hit. Which maynot happen atall, but is morelikely bestronger if on them to findout theyall suck and deserve YELLS! Even Kazuyafriend who disbeleive when Squirtle finally juststart tellanyway because yoshisucks was slow so YELL atfor Kazuya too.
Two - wariomanhimselfARGH! Hadto make assessment: isbe possible revive relationship ever? Ifno, wasteoftime to engage atall. Ifyes... smashgamegodshelpsquirtleself, mustneeds try. Took much angryYELL back and forth (more back than forthe in Squirtle unbiased opinion) but eventually wasable send fullrationale for flipping similar to kazuyaessay yesterday. Wasgot inspired to add extra detail of earlywarning from speactatorstands that Warioman sneaky lying promising etcetera and wouldbe claim credit for thinking of this... except this onlynecessary because Squirtle look back through messgaes to quoteback earlier warioman lie... and Squirrtlewhooooooooops did neverexist. Squirtleshocker!
Nowdoes squirlteseem that eventhough Wario in ring firsttime wasdid tell Squirtle twogreen powerplayers incontrol... wasdid say Darkpit/Dedede not bothkings, which isbe what Squirtle remembered. And told captain. And told kingcruel. And kazuya. And wrote here. Guess was reminder of innocenttimes when squirtleself notyetneed learn names properly of allsmashgamesmashers not on ownhellscapeteam. So ummmm.... small YELL AT SQUIRTLESELF. But nottime for regrets! (On balance can affirm that wouldnot havemade norealdifference, though was still one cog in squirtlethinking.) Quickly attributed confusing statements of greenteampowerstructure to other dead people who cannotsay wasnot them suchashame. And now was link get YELL and Mario get YELL and probably couldhave YELLED at plant more butnot superrealistic and ooooooooooooh remembertime Darkpit gaveaway warioboot in spectatorstands beforeit happened? Yeah so Squirlte put that.
Didit work? Well smashhosts can nowgo read warioconfessional pleasedo letsquirtleknow howgoes. Did atleast defuse. Got followupquestions on the spectatorstands darkpit-richter-squirtle chain (also Richter dying sososooooostupidly deserves more belated YELLing) and no taunts for fewmessages running beforebed. Hoping radicalhonesty can eventually mean ifwhen interests aligning, can trust oneanother justenough, just oneroundatatime. Maybe dull vendetta enough somake Squirtle not immediate target or easy name forgather minorityvotes when postmerge twohighest votereceivers go ringduel. Maybe start use squirtestatus of personanongrate forto seem likebe lessurgent threat not moreurgent needstabbitystab. Maybe. As well... well may need this workable down the line. Whichiswas wholereason didbother. Soooomuch bother. YELLLLLLLLLLL! AAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGHHH!
Andwhy beneeding even maybetolerance fromof warioman?
Marioman didwas ohsokindly inform Squirtle nowhasgot bigsquirtlescary reputationforflipping, onboth blueteam yellowteam. Which... notwrong necessarily from outsideperspective. If anything moreannoying for blueteamrevisionism because there Squirlte trulydid have nochoice butto flipping on somebody. And reallywas in samespot on yellowteam, or atleast wouldhavebeen eventually nomatterwhat, evenif did pulltriger earlier than strictlynecessary.
So one last YEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL for needto climb yet anothermountain even when struggling to conqurer thisonenext valley havebeen shovedinto offcliff. AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Inconclusion: everyone suckshere. Except strangelyenough just one.
Lesson: Kingcruel now somehow squirtlesafespaces?
(Yes isbe hint for next Squirlteconfessionyell!)